There is wisdom in our wounds, guidance in our gifts, and purpose in our parts–yes, even the messy ones. And I believe in the power of holding it all with curiosity, compassion, and acceptance.
Part philosopher, poet, and practical magician, Angelica's work integrates mind, body, and spirit to guide people in reconnecting to the Truth of who they are and why they’re here.
Because every worthwhile journey starts with an origin story...
Path to Purpose
Practical Magic
While my path towards living into the essence of my name has been winding, I’ve always had a knack for knowing and showing. And one of the things I’ve known with certainty, for as long as I can remember, is that I am a Teacher. During my days working at a bank, I found myself coaching clients on financial literacy and offering them healing advice instead of the financial services I was supposed to be selling.
When corporate greed and money-politics wore me down, my passion for people led me across the country, by way of Teach for America, to a charter high school on the Westside of Atlanta. And when that also inevitably took its toll, it ignited what some might call a “dark night of the soul”—complete with panic attacks, mystery illnesses, and one too many existential questions.
With time, these questions, and the answers that surfaced, led me to a deeper awareness of my gifts and a fuller definition of Teacher that I was meant to embrace. So, I took a massive leap of faith, and embarked on a new career as an intuitive guide, healer, and teacher dedicated to walking alongside others on their path to healing, awakening, and actualizing their divine purpose.
I’ve built quite a toolkit and while the structure of the work I do varies, and the mechanics are highly personalized, here’s what doesn’t – I create space for you to see, feel, taste, smell, and touch the most exquisite version of you. The version of you that you decided to become before you returned to this earthly realm. The version that you and God alone decided upon.
Once this version arrives in the room, together we breathe life into her lungs so she can exhale with the relief of remembrance. We clarify her vision so that her next steps are revealed. We fortify her bones so that her footsteps are anchored. And at some point, by grace and magic, there’s no longer separation.
Perception shifts. Awareness expands. You see yourself in new color, feel your heart with new rhythm, taste your words with new flavor.
You marvel at the majesty of you. Distortions dissipate, wounds mend, noises silence. Levity replaces burden. You become everything, everywhere, all at once. You dissolve into the vastness of space and overflow with the fullness of the infinite.
And maybe there’ll be laughter and tears and goosebumps that cover your skin when Truth lands as only Truth can.
And in the end you’ll say…
“I remember what it feels like to feel like me.”
A Knack for Knowing and Showing
"I remember what it feels like to feel like me..."
I was born on the hottest day on record in San Diego county...
What's in a name?
so hot that a power surge took out the hospital electricity leaving only backup generators to power critical equipment. Having yet to settle on a name, my mom says that as she sat in the dark hospital room cradling her firstborn, she knew I came with a purpose big and divine, an energy strong enough to blow up the power grid, and a light bright enough to emerge in darkness. And so, I was named–Angelica Ray.
There are only two parts of the journey that really matter, the part where you begin, and the part where you decide to keep going.
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